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Haida M15 Filter Holder System
Hi, I'm Nico Rinaldi, professional landscape photographer.
Through the years i have been able to test several filters and holder system, today thanks to my experience i can say that the Haida is my final choice!
It guarantees performance at the highest levels, thanks to the materials with which it is built and the cutting-edge technology. the filters offer really great results to my photographs.
There are four filters in the M15 system: ND (with density from 1 to 12 stops), Circular Polarizer, Circular Polarizer+ND and Clear-Night.
The aspects that I most appreciated are:
- Circular polarizer
- speed and ease in putting and removing magnetic filters without removing any plates
- material quality
- lightness, packaging, ease of use
- fidelity and accuracy in color reproduction

Waiting for the right season, when the rain fills rivers and streams.. Capturing the right light, the flow of water, amazing vegetation colors and a lot of details. I am Nico Rinaldi professional landscape photographer. Exploring and photographing breathtaking landscapes is certainly exciting! There are many tools and techniques to obtain excellent photographs, the Haida systems and filters are at the top in terms of quality and performance during use. the result is excellent images! The high quality of red diamond filters allows me to capture all the details faithfully, at the same time these filters allows me to create beautiful dynamics and fantasy effects, with spectacular colors. Over the years, after testing various filters and systems brands, i can say that Haida has met all my expectations!
Now haida is my final choice. Thank you Haida!